Goosebumps People

Meet the creative minds behind the Goosebumps TV series, a talented ensemble of individuals who brought the eerie and thrilling world of the show to life.

The Goosebumps TV series boasts a collaborative effort from a dedicated crew, including producers, creators, story writers, and an extensive cast of talented individuals, bringing their creative vision to the forefront. With more than 300 people working together harmoniously, this collective effort ensures the seamless production of the 2023 reboot series.

Filming across various locations in British Columbia adds a dynamic and visually compelling element to the series, enriching the viewer's experience with the diverse landscapes captured in each episode.

130 people
580 people

People list

Explore the comprehensive list of the creative minds behind Goosebumps, including crew members and cast, available below for a detailed insight into the talented individuals contributing to the making of this iconic TV series.

Ana Yi Puig
10 episodes
Zack Morris
10 episodes
Isa Briones
10 episodes
Miles McKenna
10 episodes
Will Price
10 episodes
Justin Long
10 episodes
Rachael Harris
10 episodes
Rob Huebel
8 episodes
Rob Letterman
19 episodes
Nicholas Stoller
19 episodes
R.L. Stine
18 episodes
Ben Cockell
8 episodes
Rhinnan Payne
5 episodes
Leonard Roberts
8 episodes
Chris Geere
4 episodes
Franoise Yip
8 episodes
Laura Mennell
7 episodes
Lexa Doig
5 episodes
David Schwimmer
8 episodes
Ana Ortiz
8 episodes
Sam McCarthy
9 episodes
Jayden Bartels
8 episodes
Elijah M. Cooper
9 episodes
Galilea La Salvia
9 episodes
Francesca Noel
9 episodes
Stony Blyden
9 episodes
Hilary Winston
13 episodes
Jack Lenz
4 episodes